We’ve made some updates!
We’ve listened to your feedback and made some significant changes to Count Your Carbon!
Alongside updated guidance on gathering your data, we’ve enhanced the information and support provided after you complete your calculation. These updates will ensure that you are supported to transform the insights gained about your school’s carbon footprint into meaningful climate action.
Resources include:
- An improved Data Gathering Guide to make it easier to gather your data
- A streamlined Carbon Footprint Report with more detailed information about your emissions
- An in-depth Carbon Reduction Guide to help you choose effective carbon-cutting actions
- A spreadsheet which drops your chosen actions into a ready-made Carbon Action Plan template
Keep reading to find out more, or if you completed a calculation before the 16th October, simply login to the historical reports section, select a calculation and click ‘download your Carbon Footprint Report’ to explore the updated report and resources. There’s no need to do a new calculation to access them.
Data Gathering Guide
If you haven’t yet started your calculation, or you’re part way through gathering your data, make sure to download our improved Data Gathering Guide. The guide now comes with even more information to help you collect the data you need to complete a calculation. Print it out and fill it in as you get hold of data. This process may take a while, but once you’ve completed the guide in full, completing a calculation is quick and easy.

Carbon Footprint Report
Once you’ve completed your calculation, you’ll receive our updated Carbon Footprint Report – a six-page document containing:
- Guidance around how to use your footprint data and the resources we provide to produce a Carbon Reduction Plan
- Information on Count Your Carbon’s methodology
- Your footprint report, outlining your total footprint in tonnes co2e, as well as your emissions per area. This also includes your footprint broken down by percentages, so you can see which areas of your operations are currently emitting the most carbon.

Carbon Reduction Guide
Our Carbon Reduction Guide, developed by carbon reduction experts Arete Zero Carbon, has been designed to support you to generate a tailored Carbon Reduction Plan for your setting. This document features over sixty carbon-cutting actions for you to consider. These actions are categorised by 4 operational areas, and further categorised under several metrics (such as cost and ease of implementation) enabling you to identify those which are most appropriate for your setting.

Carbon Action Planner
To help you easily build a Carbon Action Plan, we’ve produced a handy spreadsheet containing all of the actions included within the reduction guide. Simply tick the boxes next to your chosen actions, and your personalised Carbon Reduction Plan will be populated within the next tab. The template even includes room for you to add key information such as lead staff member and target completion date.

Whether you’re revisiting a completed calculation to check out our new resources, or you’re just beginning on your journey, we hope you find the resources useful. Thank you for taking steps to reduce your schools carbon footprint!